Behaviour for Learning
Behaviour and Attitudes
Seaham High School has high expectations for the behaviour and conduct of students in and out of school. These expectations are in line with our 3 core values of Kindness, Integrity and Pride. We communicate these values in lessons through our 6 R’s – Respectful, Responsible, Reflective, Responsive, Risk taker and Resilience. All students have the opportunity to gain points during their lessons and these can be spent in our rewards store located in the LRC. The teacher will also award a Star of the Lesson which is worth 10 points each lesson. There are many other rewards available for completing homework, participation in afterschool clubs, getting caught reading and many more. Year Achievement Leaders and Year Managers run Celebration assemblies each half-term to publicly reward students.
Behaviour Policy
The Governing Body believes that good behaviour in all aspects of school life is necessary to enable effective teaching and learning to take place.
It seeks to create a caring and learning environment by:
- Promoting good behaviour and discipline;
- Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline, proper regard for authority and positive relationships based on mutual respect and understanding;
- Ensuring fairness of treatment for all;
- Encouraging consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour;
- Promoting early intervention;
- Providing a safe environment free from disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment;
- Not allowing students to bring items into school which may cause offence, injure or be harmful to others.
- Providing a framework to promote acceptable standards of behaviour;
- Encouraging a positive relationship with parents to develop a shared approach to involve them in the implementation of school’s policy and associated procedures.
Code of Conduct
All students will follow the School Code of Conduct whilst in school and this will be enforced by the staff. If there are any breaches of this, then the teacher will follow the Behaviour steps and issue sanctions. The Behaviour steps are designed to allow students to reflect on their behaviour and manage it accordingly.
Behaviour Steps
All students will be given the opportunity to change their behaviour without having it recorded on Class charts. At this stage the language used by staff will be very clear so there is consistency. If a child is told that they have a verbal warning the must alter their behaviour. If their behaviour continues then a Reflection will be issued and the student will be asked to go outside for s short period of time so the teacher can speak to them privately. If this does not work, then a restoration detention will be given. This is a 30-minute detention at the end of the same school day in the main hall. If a student persists in disrupting the learning of others by not following the code of conduct, then they will be removed from class (Relocation) and will sit a 60-minute dentition at the end of the same school day. All parents and carers will be informed through the Class charts app which they must download to their phone.All detentions must be completed. If they are not then further sanctions, including fixed term exclusions, will be used.
Stepped Discipline
Every month all students’ behaviour is reviewed and they are placed on a Step. All students will start on Step 0 and can move up or down after each review. This allows parents/carers and students to know how the school views their level of behaviour. Due to this system we have very few students who are on step 5,6 or 7.