Provider Access policy
Careers (CEIAG)
Preparing all students for life in modern Britain is one of our key priorities for Seaham High School. Central to this is providing the best and most up to date careers education, information advice and guidance so that our students are informed and equipped to make career decisions throughout their lives.
We offer support to all of our students across all year groups so that they are prepared for adult life and the ever-changing world of work.
Our CEIAG provision is delivered throughout our curriculum and PSHE/tutorial programme as well as bespoke events throughout the school year.
- SHS Senior Link for Careers/Personal Development: Mr C Harbron or 01915161600
- SHS Careers Coordinator: Mrs C Rochester
- SHS CEIAG Link Governor: Our CEIAG policy has been formally adopted by our Governing Body. The CEIAG Link Governor is Wendy Baker.
What are the Gatsby Benchmarks?
In 2014, Lord Sainsbury’s Gatsby Charitable Foundation published a report by Professor Sir John Holman, Adviser in Education at the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, titled “Good Career Guidance.”
The report identified eight benchmarks that are the core dimensions of good careers and enterprise provision in schools. These benchmarks are a central component of the DfE “Careers Strategy” are what we as a school strive to achieve every day for all students at Seaham High School.
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
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Seaham High School CEIAG Aims:
Click here for our School Careers Strategy document​: CEIAG strategy
To help students develop the skills, personal attributes and confidence to make aspirational, realistic and informed decisions about their futures and to manage transitions from one stage of education, training and work to the next.
- To ensure that students develop the attitudes necessary for success in adult and working life
- To help students become aware of the wide ranging opportunities that are available to them in further and higher education and training
- To equip students with the necessary decision-making skills to manage all the transitions they will face in education and working life
- To foster links between the school, the regional business community and further/higher education establishments
- To enable students to experience the world of work and develop transferable skills, for example, resilience and the ability to be personally reflective
- To ensure that wherever possible all young people leave the school to enter employment, further education or training
- To allow a culture of high aspirations to thrive
- To promote equality of opportunity, embrace diversity, challenge stereotypes and ensure all students who require any extra assistance or guidance reach their potential.
Access Policy – The Baker Clause
For post-16 providers wishing to speak to or interview our students, please contact Mr C. Harbron at
For any providers wishing to request access please see the Provider Access Statement under the Policies section.
Seaham high school Destinations
Our careers provision is designed to ensure all students are provided with the most appropriate careers support which they can use to make informed decisions about their future pathways. A key part of our role is ensuring all of our students access the most appropriate destinations after their time with us at SHS, whether that be at post-16 or post-18. It’s really important to us that their choices when they leave us are sustainable and allow them to succeed on the career pathways they aspire to. Our students progress onto a range of pathways including local Sixth Forms/Colleges, apprenticeships and employment.
The careers leader meets regularly with the Careers Hub Facilitator from the North East Local Enterprise Partnership to discuss best practice and review the school's provision, and is also in contact with other careers leaders from schools within the academy trust. Perhaps the clearest indicator of the success of the careers programme is the number of students who become NEET (not in education, employment or training) after they leave school. This figure has historically been very low, and reflects the success we have in supporting students to take their next steps.
Year |
County Average NEET% |
2023 | 1.8 | 3.8 |
2022 | 2.2 | 3.1 |
2021 | 1.8 | 2.8 |
2020 | 1.2 | 3.2 |
Figures taken from the local authority's annual indicative activity survey reports.
Seaham high school Alumni
We are always looking to share the successes of our past students and highlight the career pathways they now follow. These stories and profiles can be very inspiring and motivating for current students, challenging stereotypes and student aspirations.
Showing the diversity of the real world and the wide-ranging job prospects available is key in allowing our students to make fully informed choices about their own futures.
If you have previously attended Seaham High School and would like to share your career story, please contact Mr C. Harbron at or 0191 5161600.